By now, you’re aware that millions of South Carolinians have had their social security numbers and other data compromised due to a “cyber attack” of the SC Department of Revenue computer systems. This is a serious event and I suggest each of you protect you and your children by signing up for the protection services offered by our state.
Next month, the SC House will hold our Reorganizational Session where we go through the process of actually selecting our House desks for the next two years (no, I’m not kidding) and also learn of our committee assignments. I have served on several committees during my four terms in office and hope to add a new one to that list. I have requested to serve on the Labor, Commerce and Industry committee where I can continue to help SC provide a better business climate for existing companies to expand and new companies to relocate to our state!
Presently, I also serve on two House GOP Study Committees: the recently formed Campaigns/Elections Committee (where we plan to soon file a bill to “fix” the ballot mess from 2012) and again for another year on the Tax Study Committee (formed before session last year, where we will continue to find ways to improve our tax structure and also review billions in current sales tax exemptions)
If you, your family, or a group are interested in visiting the State House next year for a tour, please call my office at 734-2969 or contact me here and I’ll be sure to make that happen for you or your group!
I am honored and humbled to soon begin another term representing your family in Columbia. While there will be long lines at our voting precincts Tuesday, please be sure you VOTE for those you want representing you at all levels of government.
Richland County voters have 2 questions on the ballot Tuesday to consider relating to a “penny tax” for transportation needs (wants?). Be sure you read up on those questions so you are prepared and won’t spend more time voting than you need to on a very busy, important day. You can also read a past post from me on this subject by clicking here .
As with every year, the budget (Appropriations Act) will take up most of the session. As I hear more on projected revenues, I’ll share with you. I’m always interested to hear from you regarding where to allocate any new funds. Many prefer we save those while others prefer we fund agencies that have had budgets cut in the past. Some actually mention funding for new programs. Regardless of your preference, please let me know so I can consider all viewpoints.
As I mentioned previously in the September Community Update , look for much debate on the Affordable Care Act. Of course, Tuesday’s election may have a huge impact on that so be sure to watch the returns; not just at the Presidential level but also across the US Senate and US House.
Please keep Chapin Mayor Stan Shealy and his family in your prayers. Today (Sunday), his wife Vicki passed away.
The Ballentine-Dutch Fork Civic Association will hold it’s November meeting Monday night (November 5th) at 6:30pm at Ballentine Park.
A Salute to Eagle Scouts! Being a former Boy Scout and watching JC in Cub Scouts, I see how much of a positive impact scouting has on our young men. If you’re in scouting, this event is a must at the end of the month! I hope you can take your scout and attend this great event! Details here.
Chamber News: Irmo Chamber of Commerce : To see a list of upcoming events click here. . To see upcoming events for the Chapin Chamber of Commerce, click here .
Meet your neighbor : Please be sure to email me news of accomplishments of your friends and neighbors in the community! Previously I would regularly update the website with people I knew around town who were doing great things right here in Irmo, Chapin. I’m willing to help promote their work/cause and simply need you to let me know what’s going on!
While many people say they are only interested in the Presidential Race, politics much closer to home can have an even greater impact on you and our community. Our local School Board has 3 positions on the ballot and there will be 4 names (for 2 spots) on the ballot for Lexington voters to consider and 2 names (for 1 position) on the ballot for Richland voters to consider. I want to remind everyone that I do NOT endorse in our local elections as I feel everyone in the community has sufficient access to the candidates (debates, campaigning door-to-door). To be clear, I do sometimes endorse statewide or nationally because of the lack of access to candidates based on the scale of those races and on a rare occasion, I will support someone running outside our area .
I want to congratulate all our three area high schools for their recent accomplishments:
Chapin Band : 3A State Champions! The Pride of the Midlands marching band from Chapin High School earned the title of 3A State Champion last weekend. This is the first time the Chapin High School Band has won a state championship since 1986. Read more here…
Dutch Fork Football Team : Region 5 AAAA Champions! Irmo Football Team : Region 4 AAAA Champions. Both teams will host first-round playoff games this Friday night! Please show your support for these outstanding student athletes!
Speaking of our high schools, last week I attended the Dedication/Ribbon Cutting for our CATE Center (Center for Advanced Technical Studies) which is already open and sits adjacent to what will be our fourth area high school next fall, Spring Hill High .
Thanks again for the privilege you give me to represent the Irmo/Chapin/Ballentine/Dutch Fork community! If you have events or people you’d like me to share with our community right here through Nathan’s News, please let me know and I’ll do my best to help!
I’m always eager to spend time with you at your Homeowners Association Meetings, Churches, and other civic events in the community! Let me know dates and times and I’ll work to be there!
Nathan Ballentine
House of Representatives, District 71
Richland-Lexington Counties
320B Blatt Building
Columbia, SC 29201