My very first bill that became law focused on healthcare for our aging population. This year, thanks to input from a constituent, I continue that focus.
As always, I welcome input/suggestions to this proposal.
From The State (1/11/2012)
Bill aims to give help to dementia sufferers
Families hit by Alzheimer’s might be interested in a bill pre-filed in the S.C. House by Rep. Nathan Ballentine, R-Richland.
The bill, H.4483 , exempts from property taxes the house (and up to an acre of land) owned by a person with dementia as long as the person lives in the house.
Studies have shown the general health of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia usually is better if they stay in their homes as long as possible. Exempting that home from property tax might factor into the decision of whether to get dementia sufferers into long-term care facilities outside the home.
Few of the hundreds of bills introduced each year make it through the legislative process to become law, but at least this one could start discussion about the best ways to impact dementia care in the state.