Wow! I’ve been wondering why I haven’t been seeing emails from this website for quite some time! Turns out there was a glitch in the process and, well, I apologize if you emailed me here because you didn’t get a reply – yet.

I’ll go through 800+ contacts in the next few days and see if there are any loose ends. I’ve contacted my website company and they are working to see what happened and, more importantly, how to fix it.

Y’all know how accessible I am and how I prioritize constituents above the rest of the state. If you ever need me and haven’t heard back from me via the website, always email me at the State House at NathanBallentine@schouse.gov and put CONSTITUENT in the subject line. This has been my practice for more than a decade now and keeps those emails from being buried among the hundreds I receive every week.

Of course, you can always call me at home (803-834-3613 ) or grab me around town at the grocery store, church, ballfields or out eating!

Apologies to those that reached out here without response – yet! I pride myself in communicating and this glitch is killing me!

7pm UPDATE: Turns out more than 700 of those were spam! I’m jumping on the other 100+ this evening! Looks like this goes back to when I changed website in 2023. To those I’ve reached out to already today, thanks for your understanding. Turns out many of you knew something must be up and emailed me at the state house and I replied! Whew!!