Today I had another conversation with Mrs. Nicholson in the SC State Housing Office and I learned that tomorrow (Tuesday, May 21) the “2013 Point Scores” of all applicants this year for tax credits will be posted.
That link will appear tomorrow when you visit this page
I have been told many of the proposals in the competition have a perfect score, this year a 186, and the Authority will utilize the tie breaker criteria outlined on page 11 of the 2013 QAP in order to break the ties. The Authority is still in the process of underwriting the developments and plans to make final award announcements in mid-late June.
As I previously shared weeks ago , there are 65 applicants across the state; but only 16 or 17 will be funded. Today I learned that of those 65, aprpoximately 20 to 23 are in the “GP” category and in that “GP”category, only 4 or 5 will be funded.
While nothing is certain, based on the community’s opposition – and based on no letters of support from local officials, I feel that the Bickley Manor project will not be one of the 4 or 5 from the group that is funded.
Again, just my feeling here, should the project not get tax credit funding, I do not believe the developer will have an interest in continuing with the project.
I want to thank each of you who has written, called, and emailed my office. More importantly, you contacted the SC State Housing Authority to voice your concern as well.
It’s my hope and belief that in mid-June, we will see that this project will not be awarded tax-credits and therefore will not proceed.
As always, come back to often and stay informed and share your opinions, advice, concerns.