I wanted to wait until our local teams had all played each other before sharing this news! I didn’t want to hurt the local ticket-gates as those are THE main budget booster for our local athletic programs. Irmo is at Chapin tonight (already started that’s why I’m sharing now), Dutch Fork and Irmo have already played and so have Chapin and Dutch Fork.

A few weeks ago, listening to one of the local sports shows on the way into work, I learned of a FREE service that will give you live updates from area high school games every Friday!

Simply text CEagles or Jackets or Foxes to 64636 and you’ll receive live updates from their games! (If you want to follow more than one school, be sure to text the schools one at a time).

So next time you can’t make it out to support one of the home teams (here or away) you can still stay up-to-date thanks to latest technology! Special thanks to @PalmettoVarsity for providing this service.

Did you know? Both local morning talk shows (one FM, one AM) are hosted by community members!

107.5 The Game
1400 The Team


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