It’s hard to believe that Representative Chip Huggins and I first started this event six years ago at my church, Riverland Hills Baptist.

Once again, we like to think of the event as the unofficial kickoff to the Okra Strut ! We have always hosted it the Thursday morning before the Okra Strut and that means Thursday, September 22nd this year.

Seven Oaks Presbyterian will be the host church and Chip and I are excited to have local businessman, Steve Arnold, give the morning’s message.

Past events have seen attendance over 200 and this year space is keeping us to only 200 so be sure to RSVP for your FREE spot by calling Elizabeth Donehue at (843) 864-9414.

This event could not have continued like it has without the support of the many sponsors who help make it possible as well as the host churches, their members, and you – the community!

Hope to see you later this month! Special thanks to this year’s sponsors (most of who have been there every year from the beginning): Babcock Center Foundation, SC Representative Nathan Ballentine, SC Representative Chip Huggins, Irmo Insurance Agency, Inc., L.R. Enterprises, Inc., Rotary Club of St. Andrews, Rotary Club of Lake Murray-Irmo, Lexington Medical Center, Debra and Mike DuBose, Columbia Conference Center/ Blake DuBose, DuBose Web Group, Palmetto Health Parkridge, The Warren Group.

Quick video/info on previous breakfasts:

2010 First Baptist of Irmo -speaker Adrian Despres, chaplain USC football team
2009 St. Mary’s Episcopal – speaker Eddie Walker, then principal of Irmo High School
2008 Gateway Baptist – speaker Jeff Davis, former Clemson football player
2007 St. Andrews Presbyterian – speaker A.V Strong, director A Better Way, Project Gang Out
2006 Riverland Hills Baptist – speaker Bob McAlister, McAlister Communications


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