Many of you know by now that I was one of the first SC elected officials to get on the twitter “craze” last year (NathanBallentin) . Since that time I’ve pretty much become addicted with over 2,000 updates already. Sure, many updates may be boring to some and some people could care less about my family life; but I share all facets of my life just the same.

Afterall, most would admit that if I just “tweeted” the political stuff, THAT would be boring!

Anyway….today my recent follower turns out to be our school district and I’m glad to see the district coming on board to Twitter and hope they’ll utilize it as a two-way street of communication. Not just getting out information but hearing from those in our community who wish to pass information along to them as well. Twitter is a form of communication and is best used to not only share; but also learn as well (in 140 characters – or less – message updates).

If you’re wondering who’s on Twitter from our community…well…here’s just a few of the folks you may want to follow and see what’s going on (twitter screen names used):

theotrek , paigecoop , shirley8153 , cstegmaier , sctomkat , TreyWalker , tdkelly , CharlieHarden , lawgal21 , ashleygilfillan , cecarey311 , zacandcheese , willfloyd , InTecNic , jplvsd , mckewn , michelmcninch , wshuler , AshleySHunter , mjboozer , foxben , and, my personal favorite: StateHouseWife

Some have been “tweetin” for awhile. Some do it as often as I do (a few times a day), others only maybe once a day or even once every other week. Some have tried it but didn’t like it. That’s the beauty of it. If you like it and if you find someone interesting enough to follow, do it. If not, don’t follow that person. It’s that simple. In the list above we have folks from all walks of life….teachers, state employees, bloggers, realtors, TV personalities, housewives, businessmen, businesswomen, attorneys, artists, and so on.

The impact of Twitter is global reaching – now, more than ever! In fact, twitter has been used to actually keep the West informed of what’s going on in Iran during their unrest. To those who think Twitter is just another fad….it may well be….but everyone’s using it in all walks of life for various reasons.

Give it a shot and see what you think. Oh, there’s also “prank twitter accounts” so be sure you know what’s really going on before you think it’s someone’s “real site”. Some are obvious but others you may never know: SCLegislator , FakeMarkSanford , GovPerrysHair .

If you want to see all the SC Legislators and Politicos on Twitter, try SCTWEETS.COM.


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