Even thought he’s not on Twitter (like most of WIS folks: Judi Gatson , Jackie Faye , Stewart Moore, Drew Stewart , Mandy Mitchell ) I still agreed to sit down with Ben Hoover to talk about this past legislative session (which will end tomorrow when the House/Senate return for a few vetoes and hopefully some conference reports on pending legislation).
While Representative Anton Gunn and I are on opposite sides of the aisle (he’s a Democrat), we are continuing to work on ways to find some common ground on issues and hopefully continue to improve the tone of SC politics.
As I share during the interview, most politicians view compromise as “lose, lose”. Instead, we have to view it as a chance to work together in hopes of improving our state.
And with some this past year (and recent events), that would be some welcome change around our state!
(For more of this inteview, click here )