Michael Phelps with President George Bush?

While at the beach this past week, I had alot of time in the evenings to watch the Olympics and I had lots of observations.

Primarily the main observation was that Michael Phelps just dominates his line of work. I won’t bother to try to put it all into words but the understatement of the century would be “The guy is good.” Toss in the fact that we had a 40+ year old woman come within .01 seconds from a Gold Medal. Add in our current “Redeem Team” rolling through the “competition” and you have pretty much USA domination at this year’s Olympics.

It may be a stretch because my vision isn’t 20/20, but every evening watching swimming, I told my wife that I thought Michael Phelps looked alot like Wes Donehue (who by the way is the guy pictured above with his wife, Elizabeth, and POTUS….not Michael Phelps.)

For full disclosure, Wes handles my website; nonetheless, “the guy is good”.

Many of you probably never visited the old “NathanBallentine.com” site that was up since December 2003 until after I crossed paths with Wes and he convinced this tightwad to pay for a “21st century site” and start blogging.

Then I ran into his wife, Elizabeth, who took me into the 21st century of fundraising and helped me raising twice as much money as I did before working with her.

I wasn’t Wes’ first website but I was on board before several other higher-profiles joined and I appreciate what he, Lauren (outstanding videos), and Tim do to help me stay in touch and keep my constituents informed.

If you’re running the sites for US Senator Jim Demint , US Congressman Greshman Barrett , US Congressman Joe Wilson , the SC Senate Caucus, Senator Hugh McConnell, and several others…well, I’d say that’s pretty dominating.

Now before other consultants and folks start anonymously ripping me for tonight’s blog, I admit there are a couple other consultants out there that I not only use, but also have their own area of domination. When I find an athlete that I think looks like you, I’ll write about you as well, fair enough?

Alright, what sport’s on tonight? Trampolining? No, that was last night….