Even if I can’t do the dance.
From today’s Post and Courier , “Politicians Reach Out on Internet.”
I don’t consider myself one of the most technologically-gifted folks in the world. In fact, we don’t even own a Playstation, XBox, or Wii in our house. But I am glad I “gave in” about a year ago and enhanced the way I communicate to my constituents via the web (NathansNews).
When my web consultant gave me the name of my site, I didn’t like it. But he said we needed a catchy title for folks to remember and www.nathanballentine.com (my former site) was just too “1980s”. I told him I was a simple-spoken guy…nothing “high brow” or fancy…just wanted to write and speak what was on my mind and my constituents’ minds. He said “that’s why people like you; don’t change. Tell it like it is even if it rocks the boat in Columbia”
Since then, the site has grown to over 3,000 readers a month and I continue to receive “contacts” and “twitter messages” and even a few posted comments that help me stay in constant contact with my voters. I have always believed (and continue to believe) that elected officials who stay in touch regularly with their voters (as opposed to just campaign season) have a far better chance of doing the job they were sent to do.
I wouldn’t be at 3,000 hits a month if not for fellow SC bloggers who have found interest in what I write and how I write it. Thanks goes out to SCHotline.com , The Other Brooks Brothers , FITS news , The Blogland of Earl Capps and Wesley Donehue .
Lately, I’ve been hearing alot about Roll-Call Voting and I will continue to push for this common-sense reform next session. I’ve also been hearing about our education system, roads, and government spending. Look for continued improvements on those fronts in January.
Those of you in House District 71 (Irmo, Chapin, Dutch Fork, Ballentine, White Rock), thanks for staying in touch! Those of you in other parts of the state, be sure you’re talking directly with your elected officials too.
Special thanks to Mel Coker (Remax, Irmo, SC) who apparently nominated me for a 2008 Blogger’s Choice Award. After learning about this today, I went to the site and was deeply humbled. No…not at being nominated….at seeing I have a whopping total of ZERO votes!
Hey…at least Charleston loves me, right?