It was standing room only as I attended a local Town Hall hosted by Richland County and our local Richland County Councilman, Jason Branham.

Several items were on the agenda but the one that brought the most people out was the discussion about Shadowood Drive.

As you know, our community continues to be eyed by developers and others. As you also know, our schools and our roads are busting at the seems.

I’m glad each of you let me know when you see the “zoning signs” pop up alongside the roads. I pass your concerns on to Jason (or Charli if it’s Lexington County) so that they can consider before he votes on any changes.

I don’t get a vote on these local zoning matters and, like you, I often have concerns because of the negative impact many will have on our community and the lack of coordination between local and state entities. I still remember years ago when an Irmo official was approving a nearby development and I told him “How are they going to get out of the neighborhood?” His reply to me “You can help clean that up for us later. We’ll come to you for help”. That’s not how it works, nor how it should work; but, I will continue to help “clean up some messes” that are caused by overdevelopment out here. Unfortunately, that clean up takes much longer than we want or would like!

Be sure your local County Councilman knows your concerns and be sure to ask any questions important to you and your neighbors when you see signs popping up.

Richland County Councilman: Jason Branham
Lexington County Councilwoman: Charli Wessinger


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