I met with the new Director several weeks ago to offer my help to her and her team so that our voters will face less issues than previous elections in the county.

Some of the concerns I shared were:

1) Lack of poll workers at precincts.
2) Lack of machines at precincts.
3) Lack of working machines at precincts.
4) Number of laptops to check-in voters at precincts AND the inability of those laptops to access voters for all precincts that may be combined that location

Since that time, I’ve heard from a handful of you that have applied to be poll workers but have not heard back. I have given those names to the elections office and, if you have not heard from them by now, PLEASE EMAIL ME AT NATHANBALLENTINE@SCHOUSE.GOV and let me know the approx date you applied (ie, early June, late June, etc) so I can have them check and contact you and get you connected.

Below is a response from the new director. It appears they have exceeded their goal of workers (which is good because MANY do not show up the day of election for whatever reason). I will continue to get answers and do what i can to help this office do their job.


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Brent White
Brent White
September 14, 2020 3:29 pm

Thank you Mr. Ballentine for your passion for voter access. We do not want a repeat of the 2012 November Election. I am proud that I will be a poll worker in the upcoming 2020 Election to help my fellow citizens have access to voting.

Reply to  Brent White
September 14, 2020 3:35 pm

Thanks for offering to serve, Brent! And thanks for letting me know about the lack of response from the election office earlier!
