Be sure to complete the survey by going to this link (note: you can always leave comments below on my website, but the only way to have the county get your answers is to complete at that link I just provided)
Richland County Council is seeking public input on an ordinance requiring residents to wear face coverings in public for the purpose of helping to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. The City of Columbia is considering a similar ordinance. Please give County Council your input through this brief poll.
Note: Face coverings can include cloth or washable masks, as well as disposable surgical and N95 masks.
Richland County thanks you for your input.
Do you support a County ordinance requiring people to wear a face covering while in public?
* I have no opinion on the matter
* Yes, I think we need to do everything we can to slow the spread of COVID-19
* No, the decision to wear a face covering in public is up to each individual
* Other:
AGAIN: be sure to complete the survey by going to this link (note: you can always leave comments below on my website, but the only way to have the county get your answers is to complete at that link I just provided)
2015 South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 16 – Crimes and Offenses
Universal Citation: SC Code § 16-7-110 (2015)
No person over sixteen years of age shall appear or enter upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, public way or highway of this State or upon the public property of the State or of any municipality or county in this State while wearing a mask or other device which conceals his identity. Nor shall any such person demand entrance or admission to or enter upon the premises or into the enclosure or house of any other person while wearing a mask or device which conceals his identity. Nor shall any such person, while wearing a mask or device which conceals his identity, participate in any meeting or demonstration upon the private property of another unless he shall have first obtained the written permission of the owner and the occupant of such property.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 16-114; 1952 Code Section 16-114; 1951 (47) 132
Yes to masks. I know we have a lot of unmaskers – but that’s what got us back here and worse than the first wave.
No. I don’t believe in ANY kind of mask mandate. Also, there are a lot of areas in Richland County that are rural that are not within any kind of town or city limit or even close to a city which means they do not have the kind of congestion or number of people inside a major city. Is the RCSD going to drive around and ticket everyone? I would think not. I also hope the Town of Irmo sticks to their decision to not consider this. They already stated there is no way to enforce it.
No. I don’t believe in ANY mask mandate. There are areas in Richland County that are rural and not within any town or city limits or even close to a city which means there is not the kind of congestion or people as in a major city. Is RCSD going to drive around giving out tickets? I would think not. I also hope Irmo sticks to their decision to not consider this as they stated it would be too hard to enforce.
I think it’s common knowledge that this virus spreads by breathing in moisture that another person that’s infected breathes out. This is why distancing yourself around 6′ is effective because particles won’t leave one person and travel that far. A mask will accomplish the same goal if you’re closer together.
This information is generally available and having this knowledge will inform members of the public and allow them to make their own decision. I believe people have the ability to decide how to protect themselves and can make their own decision regarding the use of masks. This does not require legal action to force our behavior.
I say “No” to a mask mandate. Continue to encourage/advise people to sneeze in their own shoulder and away from people, and refrain from large social gatherings.
The CDC data I’ve been following shows an overall flattening curve of fatalities. But the media is focusing on positive cases, and never mind vast majority of cases show only mild symptoms.
My wife works as caretaker at Lowman Home in Chapin. In April-May there were 32 positive cases. The few who died were in hospice… in other words, they were dying from something else anyway. As of June 29, 2020 the number of positive cases at Lowman Home: Zero.
All the CDC models show the purpose of social distancing and other measures are to “flatten the curve”, not reduce the number of cases. Ironically the “better” we isolate ourselves, the longer the virus will be with us. The only reason for “flattening the curve” is to not overwhelm the hospitals. As long as the hospitals are not overwhelmed, I say we should continue to gradually open society back to normal.
No, they are not effective, from wltsx
Richland District 2 Superintendent Dr. Baron Davis is among the more than 36,000 people in South Carolina who have tested positive for the coronavirus.
In an email sent Tuesday to district parents, Davis said he tested positive for Covid19 after experiencing mild symptoms over the weekend.
Davis said that prior to his diagnosis he was taking precautions such as wearing a mask and working from home.
Another thought – parts of Irmo and Chapin which are considered Lexington County towns are, unfortunately, in Richland County; so, how would this work anyway? Simple, it wouldn’t.
No to masks. BTW are we violating SC SECTION 16 7 110 as Lisa points out? So does this mean that our state laws mean nothing in a pandemic? excuse me, a Plandemic?
Scientific data shows surgical & cotton masks offer minimal protection from coronaviruses & flu viruses, and after 20 minutes when mask gets moist from breathing that drops to zero effectiveness. This is political theater, nothing more. No to mandatory masks.