Over past several weeks, I’ve heard the complaints and actually driven and seen myself. I received an answer
to my questions of who was the contractor, has DOT had issues with contractor before….and when will it be fixed?

Here’s what I received:

The ‘resurfacing’ on Broad River Road, US 176, in Richland County was actually not resurfacing, but was a road surface preservation treatment used to extend the life of the pavement. This preservation treatment, called micro-surfacing, is used on roads that are not yet on the resurfacing list and is used on roads all over South Carolina. This treatment is only about 3/8” thick and typically bonds to the road surface very well and serves as a wearing surface to extend the usable life of the road. The contractor, Slurry Pavers Inc., began micro-surfacing on US 176 on 5/11/2018 and continued until 6/3/2018. This project as a whole reached substantial work completion on 7/19/2018. A final inspection was completed on this project on 7/25/2018. At the time of the final inspection only small unrelated problems existed on the road and the roadwork was accepted contingent on the small repairs. During heavy rains of October and November of 2018 the surface began to delaminate very similar to how it is currently. At the time we believed it to be a latent defect with the slurry seal. The contractor was contacted and scheduled repairs as soon as weather would permit. The contractor mobilized to the roadway and completed repairs from 1/8/19 to 1/10/19 and again from 3/7/19 to 3/11/19. After completion of the repairs, the roadway rode and functioned as expected with a micro-surfacing application. No issues or potholes were noted until they began to reappear suddenly in December of 2019. This type deterioration has not been observed at other locations across the state and appears to be unique to this section of US 176 and not an issue with the product. We have continuously reviewed and studied these areas to determine the root cause and possible remedies to this area. Staff from our Office of Materials and Research have evaluated the issue and have also concluded that the product was not defective but that there appears to be an issue with moisture in the underlying layers that is contributing to the unusual delamination of the thin surface treatment.

Understanding the sensitivity of our taxpayers, we want to ensure that the fix we put in place is a lasting one. Therefore, more evaluation is needed before a final reconstruction decision is made. Over the next several weeks, the pavement is going to be re-evaluated by our Pavement Management team using specialized equipment. Also, our maintenance forces will be milling off the top layer of the surface treatment to restore a smoother ride and minimize the nuisance to the traveling public. This will give our subject matter experts the opportunity to further investigate causes of this delamination and determine the best path forward.

As we move forward, I will keep you all informed as new information becomes available. Please let me know if there are any questions.


Robert C. Dickinson, P. E.
District 1 Engineering Administrator


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January 27, 2020 11:21 am

Why not a new foundation for this 2 mile stretch? Redoing the same micro surfacging is costing
so much. I’m not a road expert, but I do understand that if there is a problem with the foundation
that’s where you start. Please lay a new foundation for a smooth, stable surface on that stretch and stop wasting hard earned money.

Michel McNinch
Michel McNinch
January 27, 2020 11:39 am

It is a mess!

Betty smith
Betty smith
January 27, 2020 12:09 pm

The stretch from exit 97 from the bridge to us 76 is in front of my house as well as a few others. We have watched it deteriorate over the past 6 months. Rain also affects this to form the pop out holes of the surface. This is a main corridor from I26 to the walmart area stores with delivery trucks frequenting the road. We were in the plans to widen the road but it has not passed approval. It needs resurfacing not patching. There should also include an apron at each driveway to homes from the road edge to right away edge to keep drainage from rain flowing. Traffic constantly uses our drive way entrance to turned around if they miss Buckley road.

E. Timmons
E. Timmons
January 27, 2020 12:21 pm

People are swerving to avoid potholes on a highly-traveled, two-lane road. While we appreciate a response, “weeks… of re-evaluation” could result in a major accident or death. This concern is only getting worse as the holes deepen. We are hoping for quick action and remediation that will correct the problem, not just cover it with another band-aid.

Donald Tucker
Donald Tucker
Reply to  E. Timmons
January 28, 2020 10:23 am

Well-said. I could not agree more. “Weeks of re-evaluation” is not acceptable. No doubt Slurry will be charging for this “re-evaluation”.

Elizabeth Schumpert
Elizabeth Schumpert
January 27, 2020 1:19 pm

What happens to the milling that is taken off? If it’s just dumped, I’d love some for my driveway. I live on this section of roadway.

January 27, 2020 1:28 pm

What is being done with the milling?There are twoo or morel driveways that can use the milling right off of Broad River Road between Bickley Road and new housing developement..

Jeff Richardson
Jeff Richardson
Reply to  Edith
January 28, 2020 1:38 pm

Shouldn’t this moisture issue have been noted previously by DOT and again by the contractor during work since sections of this road have been patched and cracks sealed not long before? There are checklists to be followed. Microsurface application has to be applied at the right time during a road’s lifespan to be effective. Previous damage and problems should have been noted and fixed PRIOR to microsurfacing. Delamination usually occurs due to 2 factors, improper road prep prior to application or improper application by the contractor. Microsurfacing, when done right, should last approximately 5-8 years. Not the year and a half we got. No different than Mt. Vernon Church Road bridge. Are those massive holes going to ever be fixed the right way or are we going for patch job number 4 in 4 months?

January 27, 2020 1:35 pm

whaf is being done with the milling? There are two driveways/roadss that can use it . Right off Broad River between Bickley Road and new housing develooendnt. please advise.

January 27, 2020 3:17 pm

It seems proper drainage needs to be put in place first then a thicker layer than the normal of foundation.

Laura Mars
Laura Mars
January 27, 2020 6:50 pm

Yes my small car with small tires has been damaged and I am not happy, the entire front end went down in one of the large crater areas, and agajn the large hole just before the red light at Freshly Mill and Hwy 176, imagine your front tire falling in all this. Guess I need to research how and where to file a claim.

Mike Millington
Mike Millington
January 27, 2020 7:42 pm

In my opinion the problem is the constant borage of heavy equipment; cement trucks, tractor trailers with construction equipment and lumber for all the building going on. Growth and development is a good thing, but once again shows how the infrastructure of this area is two years behind where it should be.

January 27, 2020 9:27 pm

while this situation is being re-evaluated, Irmo PD and Richland Co need to patrol this area to catch the speeders and worse yet racers during the one mile stretch from Koon’s Greenhouse to the top of the hill just prior to Bickley Rd. While they are racing/speeding I’m sure they are dodging pot holes by driving in the wrong lane of traffic. I lay awake at night listening to them racing, cringing, waiting to hear a crash. The area needs to be patrolled by unmarked to catch this activity, particularly active on weekends when the weather is good and during school holidays.

Jeff R
Jeff R
January 29, 2020 1:15 pm

Microsurfacing may be an appropriate coating if applied at the right time during a road’s lifespan. Any problems with the underlying layers should have been identified prior to approving this stretch of road for microsurfacing application. There were quite a few places with visible defects that should have delayed or stopped approval until the issues were fixed. Water is or may be applied to the underlying road during the microsurfacing process before laying the treatment, and also part of the mix. Was water or a tack coat applied between the underlying and top coat? The main causes of microsurfacing failure are an already damaged road not suitable for microsurfacing, improper mix, improper surface preparation, and improper application. All factors that should have been identified by following specific guidelines to identify roads where microsurfacing is appropriate and on-site quality control by SCDOT and the contractor.

February 2, 2020 3:05 pm

DOT has tried the same thing on Old Cherokee road and it failed as well. They ended up going back with full depth patching.
They do spray tack prior to application; however such a thin lift doesn’t survive the traffic.
Heavy equipment plus all the rain…nothing will survive.

Bonnie Hipkins
Bonnie Hipkins
Reply to  William
February 2, 2020 5:37 pm

Old Cherokee Road is full of pot holes. This is a heavily traveled road and is causing damage to a lot of cars daily. This road needs to be repaved also.

February 2, 2020 3:05 pm

I doubt it is a moisture problem since mostly only the east bound lane is being effected. The west bound lane has a few but not like the east bound one. If I remember right the lanes were some at different times. And it is more than 2 miles, it is getting bad all the way to the 176/76 intersection

Ben Stuckey
Ben Stuckey
February 2, 2020 3:14 pm

Doubt it is moisture since mostly the east bound lane is one with the damage and it is more than 2 miles now … from Springhill to intersection of 176 and 76 is now seeing damage. If it were moisture I think both lanes would be the same

February 7, 2020 8:55 am

2 weeks since that email and nothing has changed. No milling of surface….nothing.
I have a truck and it eats these bad roads but folks are swerving to miss and it’s dangerous.
Meanwhile Ms. Hall, Secretary of the DOT gets a 32% raise after two years of raised gas taxes.
The optics aren’t good for such a large single increase and she gets paid 2X more than the highest paid engineer on staff. Meanwhile, there has been significantly more paving going on, I am thankful but let’s save the celebrating and massive pay raises for post Carolina Crossroads completion.
If one of the commissioners or Ms. Hall lived off of Broad River, it would have been repaired, that’s the truth folks.
Meanwhile, keep paying those increased gas taxes and hope that a major accident doesn’t occur!

Reply to  William
February 7, 2020 9:14 am

William, you will see work begin next week. DOT called me and gave me a heads up.

February 7, 2020 5:16 pm

Yes, I live at 11455 BRR, worst part of US176. Driving is dangerous with dodging bad road surface. My dad was engineer with Highway Dept for 40 years, while interstate system was being let. He was always proud of SC highways, byways. He would be horrified to see road condition outside my gates! Like a Third World country. Shameful.