After 13.5 hours of debate Tuesday (and literally hundreds of roll-call votes yesterday and today), the House adjourned at 11pm to return at 12:01 am Wednesday for the required Third Reading of the State Budget. The budget passed almost unanimously (116-2) as did the Capital Reserve Fund (110-1). In the coming weeks the Senate will have their deliberations and then a House/Senate Conference Committee will work out differences so that both bodies pass the same budget for the upcoming 2018-2019 fiscal year.
The General Assembly will return at a later date to take up any vetoes from the Governor.
Around 7:30pm, House members made way to grab a quick bite of pizza in the chamber between the House and Senate. Eating while still having to cast votes. There were no lunch breaks today and no one left the chamber after we gaveled in at 9:30 am. Photo credit: Rep. Derham Cole