Thanks to Nathan’sNews readers for sharing news about members of our community with a fantastic entrepreneurial story! Over the years, I’ve posted several MEET YOUR NEIGHBOR pieces in order to share good news and great people with our readers. Today, I’ve cut/pasted an article that was already out there about Kirstina Cash and BabyBumProducts. Read on…
There are some “rules” of business success most entrepreneurs abide by. But many also have their own “secrets”—things they do or believe that helped them achieve success. In “Secrets of Success,” a weekly interview series here at’s Small Business Forum, I ask some of today’s smartest, most innovative, most successful business owners to share their insights and success secrets with you.
Meet: Kristina Cash, the Director of Operations and founder of BabyBum™ Products . In 2013, after giving birth to her son, Kristina felt 100 percent confident in her parenting skills. That confidence soon faded when her baby developed a gastrointestinal disorder causing chronic diaper rash. Despite constantly applying diaper cream at the recommendation of her pediatrician, the rash only got worse. After eight weeks of her son suffering from a red, blistered bottom, Kristina was consumed with the task of healing the painful rash. Then she read that the proper way to apply diaper cream included washing your hands before applying the cream. She always washed her hands after applying diaper cream, but rarely immediately before.
That was Cash’s ah-ha moment. She knew there had to be a better, more sanitary way for parents to apply diaper cream that didn’t require them running to the bathroom to wash their hands in the middle of changing diapers. With nothing else on the market addressing this dilemma, she spent the remainder of her maternity leave creating a prototype of her new invention out of a kitchen spatula and suction cup.
From that homemade prototype, the BabyBum Brush was born. It’s the first-ever, patent-pending diaper cream applicator tool that reduces the risk of bacteria transfer and applies ointment smoother, thicker and faster for better protection against painful diaper rashes. The BabyBum Brush is gentle on baby’s skin, wipes clean and keeps parents’ hands and nails free of diaper cream mess.
Like most entrepreneurs, Cash met her fair share of challenges along the way to get her product into the hands of consumers. Her tenacious drive and belief in the BabyBum Brush allowed her to overcome initial problems such as product quality issues and faulty packaging.
The BabyBum Brush is now sold in more than 2,500 stores nationwide, including BuyBuy Baby and Babies “R” Us, as well as on Amazon. Kristina has expanded her product line this year, adding BabyBum Diaper Changing Glove-Saks.
For more information and Q&A with Kristina, visit Secrets of Success: Kristina Cash