“The Galatians 6 Gals” are a neighborhood group of Jesus-loving ladies that have recently joined together simply to serve our neighborhood and local area whenever and wherever God calls.
Some of them live in Ascot, others on Bookman Mill, and still others on and along Kennerly Road. They call themselves the Galatians 6 Gals and their desire is simply to “Be Generous and Do Good”. They are dedicated to moving quickly and efficiently in meeting needs – whatever they are. They can drive shut-ins to the doctor, help with lawn care, come pray with the sick or lonely – and they’ve already done things like mobilized overnight to get clothes and food to a homeless married couple who were left with nothing after a knife attack and robbery. They welcome new neighbors with gift baskets from the “Galatians 6 Gals” etc. Their only agenda is to follow where God leads.
It is the group’s deepest desire to meet the needs in our local area and give Christ all the credit.
Their next meeting is coming up tomorrow: Tuesday, March 1, 7:00 pm
Where: Kathi Amaker’s home – 117 Bookman Mill Lane
From the group’s email today:
We are so excited to welcome Jen Thomas – the executive director of Lighthouse for Life . This ministry seeks to combat sex trafficking through education, restoration, and empowerment.
You will NOT believe how bad the problem is right here in Richland County!
If you have a daughter, granddaughter or just a young woman you care about in your life – you won’t want to miss this meeting!
Plus, we bring great snacks – and it’s a terrific way to start meeting friends and neighbors you didn’t know on Bookman Mill, and in the Ascot and Kennerly Road areas.
So please come!
RSVP to Christy at cmasoncox@gmail.com