For Immediate Release
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Contact: Luke Byars
(803) 931-0580

Ballentine Focuses on Jobs

Announces Campaign; Learn More at

(Chapin, SC) – Today, businessman Nathan Ballentine announced his campaign for reelection to the State House of Representatives, District 71. Ballentine serves the people of Irmo, Chapin, and Dutch Fork. He has built a solid reputation as a civic leader committed to working well with others to get results that will help grow our economy and provide tax relief for South Carolina.

“I truly understand the impact this economic downturn has had on our state. I am committed to do anything and everything I can to help grow our economy, promote business development and ultimately create more jobs. While we have made some improvements recently, I will not be satisfied until everyone here that wants a good job can get a good job,” Ballentine said. “I want us to have the best place in the State to live, work and raise a family.”

Recent news stories have highlighted petty partisan politics and legislative infighting. This has left the perception that South Carolina government has become dysfunctional and ill prepared to partner with business groups to help grow our economy.

Ballentine, however is committed to working with others to get results, “I believe in standing tall on principle and I will continue to speak up whenever I feel that our collective liberties or personal freedoms are under attack or when a lack of transparency prohibits our State from moving forward. But, I have also learned it is important to work hard with others who are committed to improving our State and on projects of mutual benefit to all of us.”

Recognized as a “Friend of the Taxpayer” by the SC Association of Taxpayers, Ballentine is known for his fiscal conservatism and he has also received high marks from the conservation community. The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce and several other business and civic organizations have singled him out for his straightforward leadership in the legislature.

Going forward Ballentine’s #1 focus will continue to be jobs and economic development. His campaign message remains People, Not Politics. For more information, please visit where Nathan openly discusses issues of importance to House District 71 and the Palmetto State.



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