From the Midlands Chapter of South Carolina Citizens for Life

Life Chain 2009 will be held this Sunday, Oct. 4 from 2:30 to 3:30 PM (rain or shine) at the Intersection of Forest Dr and Beltline Blvd.

Life Chain is a public witness against abortion that will be taking place in cities across the country on the first Sunday in October. It is a time for all Pro-Life Christians to come together to seek God’s divine intervention for the healing of our community and nation.

Participants in the local event are asked to stand and pray for one hour on the sidewalks extending from the Forest Dr and Beltline Blvd intersection holding pro-life related signs that will be provided. During the event, signs can be picked up at the locations indicated by blue dots on this map . Over 500 of the signs shown here will be available.

Sidewalks on both sides of the two streets should be used, and people are asked to space themselves at least 10-20 ft apart. The first arrivals should stand near the intersection, and the Life Chain should grow out from there. The goal is to get as long a chain of people as possible extending from the intersection, with each person standing or sitting in silent prayer holding one of the pro-life signs.

Participants must not block, disrupt, or interfere with the flow of traffic on Forest Dr, Beltline Blvd, or any driveway during the course of the event. This map has locations marked in red where people should avoid standing, as these locations might be too disruptive to the adjacent open businesses. The west end of Forest Dr extending beyond the Forest Acres city limit should also be avoided. Volunteers handing out the signs will be asked to help marshal the event. Please be respectful of their instructions.

Permission has been obtained for participants to park in the Midtown at Forest Acres (formerly Richland Fashion Mall) parking garage.

A flyer for the local Life Chain can be found here. For more information, please e-mail

Links with more Life Chain information:

What is Life Chain?
Life Chain Code of Conduct
Life Chain Approved Signs


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