I’m sure everyone remembers Richard Dawson and his days on Family Feud ?
In an effort to save money this year, I opted to post this year’s Constituent Survey online (February) instead of mailing it out to thousands in my district.
I also decided I could write the questions better than some consultant (or so I thought). Well, either all the respondents (less than the usual 500 from every year past) have the same common-sense that I think most our state’s citizens do or, maybe my questions were to “directed” and I should have paid a consultant.
In any event, thanks to all that replied and here’s what the survey sez:
68% responded that we should raise the cigarette tax to the national average
(SC Legislature Update: We haven’t raised it EVER in past 30 years and it looks dead again this year)
86% support term limits
(SC Legislature Update: My bill still sits in committee without one hearing yet.)
98% support on-the-record voting
(SC Legislature Update: Rep. Haley’s bill still sits in committee.)
87% support banning taxpayer funded lobbyists
(SC Legislature Update: Budget amendment to do this was defeated during House Budget this year)