Speaking with Karen by my side and Emma stealing the show

Bob and Marlene Dowd with Karen and me. Marlene Dowd is very active in state politics, particularly with the Greenville County Republican Women.

Senator-elect Phillip Shoopman and Lt. Governor Andre Bauer were a few of the elected officials in attendance. Joining them were Representative Bruce Bannister and Representatives-Elect Bill Wylie and Dan Hamilton.

A very special THANK YOU to Mrs. Rosti for opening up her home for a wonderful evening of food and fellowship. This was my first event outside the Irmo/Chapin area and I was pleased for the first one to be back “home” where I grew up! It was great to see many of my high school friends and my parents’ friends. Additional thanks to the Hashs, Youngbloods, Bolings for all the set up work and to J.D Nelson for opening with prayer and Rev. Jimmy Harley for the benediction.


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