If you ask my Mom, she’ll tell you when I was in middle-school, I really didn’t want to take meals to the elderly. You can imagine all the other ways I wanted to spend my afternoons but…. Mom always knows best and as I grew older, I realized just how important the service is. Not just to the folks who need the meals but to the individuals and volunteers who prepare and deliver the meals. If you have never participated, I would highly recommend this. If you’re looking for a way to give back to our community, this is one that will have an impact on the giver and the receiver.

I want to especially thank Debbie Bower, Executive Director of Senior Resources (and a member of our community) for the work she does each day for our aging population. Thanks too, Judge Mickey Epting for bringing this program to my attention.

Meals on Wheels are now available in Northwest Richland County

Through a grant award from the Central Midlands Area Agency on Aging with funds originating from the Lt. Governor’s Office on Aging, Senior Resources, Inc. received funds to pilot a Frozen Meal Delivery Program targeting seniors in this area. The meals are delivered weekly to those individuals who meet the eligibility guidelines for the program as determined by an assessment process. Individuals receiving the meals have the opportunity to enroll in Senior Resources Inc.’s Good Morning Line service. This service connects the meal recipient to a volunteer who makes regular calls to the recipient to check on their meal delivery as well as their general well-being. The volunteer has access to the agencies Social Work Department if they should encounter a meal recipient who identifies concerns or issues that require the expertise of a trained professional.

The Frozen Meal Delivery Program is an extension of Senior Resources, Inc.’s Meals on Wheels Program. This program is an In-Home service that promotes independence and independent living. The goal is to provide services that will aid the senior in remaining in their own home as long as possible. National studies show that 96% of seniors indicate that they want to age in place, in their own home and in their own communities. In-Home and Community Based Services are key to making this happen.

If you would like more information, or know of someone who can use this service, please call Senior Resources, Inc. at 252-7734 and ask for Information and Referral.

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