I try to recognize members of our community from time-to-time. For awhile I had a “Meet Your Neighbor” series running on this website. There are a lot of movers and shakers out here, so feel free to send me information anytime to NathanBallentine@schouse.gov or comment below, or message me through this website!
The past few years, our community has been well represented by Ashley Miller! Recently, I had the opportunity to appoint a replacement on the commission and chose someone I’ve met over the years at our church, Riverland Hills Baptist.
Tim Christensen is involved in recreation himself and with his wife and children and he’s someone I thought would benefit us well!
The Richland County Recreation Commission has a seven member board who serve a term of five years and are appointed to staggered terms. Officers are elected annually. The Richland County Recreation Commission Board of Commissioners holds regular meetings each month on the third Monday at 6:00 pm. Special Call Meetings are held when necessary. The public is invited to attend these meetings which are held at the Adult Activity Center, 7494 Parklane Road, Columbia. For more information or to contact board members contact the main office, (803) 741-7272 or email to board@rcrc.state.sc.us
The general duties of the Board of Commissioners are:
To enact resolutions and ordinances for the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Richland County.
To plan for future public needs.
To provide necessary services to safeguard the well-being and safety of the citizens.
One of the main reasons our community needs representation on this board is because of Irmo Little League at Friarsgate Park . Our area also has other parks but Friarsgate and Irmo Little League are assets for our children and families to enjoy! We need to keep it that way!
We’ve come a long way with this county commission and I want to thank John Ecton for being willing to serve as my first appointment to help our families many years ago!
Now, it’s Tim’s turn and I know he will make us proud!