Budget and Finance
Tax Issues
General Government
Business and Commerce
Real Estate
Energy and Utilities
Agriculture Environment and Natural Resources
Law Enforcement and Public Safety
Judicial, Court and Legal Matters
Law and Civil Society
Children and Family Issues
Transportation and Vehicles

Budget and Finance

Continuing Resolution [H. 4720, Act number pending]
H. 4720 (Act number pending) is a continuing resolution for funding state government into FY 2024-2025.

Economic Development and Taxes

Property Tax Exemption For Disabled Veterans [H. 3116, Act 116]
H. 3116 (Act 116) revises the property tax exemption process for disabled veterans, allowing them to immediately claim a full-year exemption in the year their disability occurs, among other details.
Feminine Hygiene Products [H. 3563, Act 131]
H. 3563 (Act 131) relates to sales tax exemptions, providing an exemption for feminine hygiene products.
Industry Partnership Fund Tax Credit Increase [H. 3811, Act 134]
H. 3811 (Act 134) provides for an Industry Partnership Fund tax credit in-crease associated with the South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA).
Corporate Income Tax Changes [S. 298, Act 113]
S. 298 (Act 113) amends the corporate tax laws dealing with the apportion-ment of income and combined reporting.
S. 557 Apprenticeship Income Tax Credit Provisions [S. 557, Act 188]
S. 557 (Act 188) enhances the apprenticeship income tax credit. The Act stipulates that the credit equals the greater of the apprenticeship cost or $1,000 per apprentice, with a cap of $4,000 per apprentice or $6,000 for the youth apprenticeship program. If the apprentice completes the program and remains employed by the taxpayer, the taxpayer can claim an additional $1,000 credit for up to 3 more taxable years. The total credit for all taxpayers is capped at $5 million per tax year, adjustable by the General Assembly.
Abandoned Buildings Revitalization Act [S. 1021, Act 169]
S. 1021 (Act 169) revises the South Carolina Abandoned Buildings Revitali-zation Act, extending its provisions through 2035 and increasing the maxi-mum tax credit from $500,000 to $700,000. The legislation also adds Short Line Railroad Modernization provisions, offering an income tax credit equal to 50 percent of qualified railroad reconstruction or replacement expendi-tures to encourage the rehabilitation of small rail lines. An annual cap of $1.5 million is set for these tax credits, which are repealed at the end of 2028.
Perpetual Recreational Trail Easements [H. 3121, Act 125]
H. 3121 (Act 125) establishes an income tax credit for perpetual recreational trail easements. The legislation makes provisions for a one-time income tax credit for each square foot of property that a taxpayer encumbers with a per-petual recreational trail easement and right-of-way.
Tax Conformity (H. 4594, Act 175]
H. 4594 (Act 175) is this year’s state and federal income tax conformity Act. The legislation updates references to the federal Internal Revenue Code in state income tax statutes. It provides for conformity so that any extensions adopted at the federal level are adopted for South Carolina income tax pur-poses.
South Carolina Ireland Trade Commission [S. 621, Act 121]
S. 621 (Act 121) establishes the “South Carolina Ireland Trade Commission” to advance bilateral trade and investment between South Carolina and Ire-land.

General Government

Robert Smalls Monument [H. 5042, Act 183]
H. 5042 (Act 183) establishes the Robert Smalls Monument and Commis-sion. Robert Smalls was an escaped enslaved person who became a Civil War hero (Smalls was a ship’s pilot who commandeered the Confederate armed steamer, the Planter, and later served as a pilot for the Union), a legis-lator in the South Carolina General Assembly and a United States Congress-man.
Lottery Participant Personal Information Protections [H. 3872, Act 106]
H. 3872 (Act 106) posits that personal data of South Carolina Lottery players, including names and contact details, are kept confidential, with only the prize details and retailer location made public.
Willfully and Criminally Altering Geodetic or other Surveying Monuments [H. 3748, Act 171]
H. 3748 (Act 171) increases criminal penalties for altering, damaging, mov-ing, or removing geodetic, property corner monuments, control monuments, and any other land surveying monuments and markers.
Ending Mandatory County Auditor Deed Endorsements [H. 3608, Act 133]
H. 3608 (Act 133) discontinues mandatory county auditor preapproval of all deeds — allowing county auditors to opt-out of long-standing procedures for endorsing deeds recorded in a register of deeds or a registrar of mesne conveyances office. Auditor fees for this task would end as well.
Pre-1973 Special Purpose District Property Acquisition and Sales Authority [H. 4563, Act 201]
H. 4563 (Act 201) clarifies the authority of all special purpose districts cre-ated before 1973 (pre-Home Rule) to own, acquire, purchase, hold, use, lease, convey, sell, transfer, or dispose of real, personal, or mixed property.
South Carolina Poultry Festival [H. 3960, Act 107]
H. 3960 (Act 107) designates the South Carolina Poultry Festival in Lexing-ton County as the official State Poultry Festival.
Paid Family Leave Insurance Act [H. 4832, Act 206]
H. 4832 (Act 206), the “Paid Family Leave Insurance Act,” establishes a framework for optional family leave insurance policies issued to employers that allow them to provide employees with a benefits program that pays for a percentage or portion of the employee’s income loss due to significant family events (enumerated).
Florence County [H. 3313, Act 197]
H. 3313 (Act 197). This Act adds Florence County to the list of counties with a Register of Deeds. This list specifies the South Carolina counties who have a Register of Deeds to handle all real estate-related matters.
Fort Eisenhower to the Definition of Federal Military Installations [H. 3934, Act 173]
H. 3934 (Act 173) adds Fort Eisenhower (name change for Fort Gordon) to the definition of Federal Military Installations.
S. 207 Piedmont Gateway Scenic Byway [S. 207, Act 157]
S. 207 (Act 157) creates the Piedmont Gateway Scenic Byway approximately from Ridgeway to White Oak, South Carolina.
Water Professionals Day [H. 3799, Act 105]
H. 3799 (Act 105) designates the first Monday in March of each year as “Wa-ter Professionals Day” in South Carolina.
Greenville Technical College Area Commission [H. 4349, Act 141]
H. 4349 (Act 141) relates to the Greenville Technical College Area Commis-sion. The Act sets out its powers and responsibilities.
Denmark Technical College [S. 1047, Act 124]
S. 1047 (Act 124) relates to Denmark Technical College area commission members, providing that how commissioners are appointed shall be by ap-pointment of the governor upon the recommendation of a majority of the members of the General Assembly representing Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell Counties.

Business and Commerce

Automatic Renewal Provisions in Service Contracts [S. 434, Act 159]
S. 434 (Act 159) addresses automatic renewal provisions in service con-tracts, providing that no automatic renewal provision in a service contract shall be enforceable against the contract holder unless the contract holder was presented written or electronic notification of that automatic renewal provision not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days before the cancellation deadline required by the automatic renewal provision.
ESG Pension Protection Act [H. 3690, Act 103]
H. 3690 (Act 103), the “ESG Pension Protection Act,” requires that retire-ment system investments exclusively consider “pecuniary” factors (finan-cial); omitting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considera-tions. The law discharges financially prudent decisions and secures the In-vestment Commission’s fiduciary duty regarding shareholder proxy voting authority.
Pharmacy Service Administrative Organizations [S. 962, Act 166]
S. 962 (Act 166) revises the duties of pharmacy service administrative organ-izations established in Act 30 of 2023 to remove the requirement that phar-macy service administrative organizations must Act as “fiduciaries” to pharmacies and “perform its duties to a pharmacy exercising good faith and fair dealing.”
“South Carolina Earned Wage Access Services Act” [S. 700, Act 190]
S. 700 (Act 190) establishes guidelines and requirements governing the pro-vision of earned wage access services, which allow consumers to obtain wages they have already earned ahead of their employer’s regularly sched-uled payday.
Dues Paid to a Golf Club [H. 3880, Act 135]
H. 3880 (Act 135) relates to the admissions tax to provide that no tax may be charged or collected on annual or monthly dues paid to a golf club.
Delinquent Unemployment Compensation Tax Payments [H. 3992, Act 136]
H. 3992 (Act 136) addresses delinquent unemployment compensation tax payments. The legislation provides that an employer with an installment payment agreement approved by the Department of Employment and Work-force shall be permitted to pay its unemployment compensation tax at a re-duced rate, prescribed by statute. If the employer does not comply with the installment agreement, the employer’s tax rate shall immediately revert to the tax class twenty rate.
Video Service Definition [H. 3782, Act 104]
H. 3782 (Act 104) revises statutes governing telephone, cable TV, and other telecom utilities, clarifying that video streaming services are exempt from local government franchise fees for using public rights of way.
Property and Casualty Insurance Policies [H. 3977, Act 108]
H. 3977 (Act 108) holds that insurers may post standard property and casual-ty policies online instead of mailing them.
Paying Inmates Federal Minimum Wages [S. 1001, Act 192]
S. 1001 (Act 192) requires inmates participating in programs established by the Director of the Department of Corrections working in the private sector be paid the federal minimum wage for their work.
Alternative Nicotine Product Sold through a Vending Machine (H. 4817, Act 205]
H. 4817 (Act 205) outlines that it is unlawful to sell an alternative nicotine or tobacco product through a vending machine unless the machine is located in an establishment only open to those aged 18 or older.

Real Estate

Real Estate Professionals [H. 4754, Act 204]
H. 4754 (Act 204) makes comprehensive revisions and updates to the provi-sions governing the licensing and regulation of real estate brokers, bro-kers‑in‑charge, associates, and property managers.
Real Estate Appraisers [H. 3278, Act 196]
H. 3278 (Act 196) makes comprehensive revisions to qualifications and other provisions governing the licensure and regulation of real estate appraisers.
Regulation of Insurers [H. 4869, Act 180]
H. 4869 (Act 180) implements recommendations from the Department of In-surance for revising various provisions relating to procedures and the regu-lation of insurers.
Prohibition of Unfair Real Estate Service Agreements Act [S. 881, Act 165]
S. 881 (Act 165), the “Prohibition of Unfair Real Estate Service Agreements Act,” prohibits the use of certain real estate service agreements as unfair to an owner of residential real estate or to other persons who may become owners of that real estate in the future.

Energy and Utilities

Gas Utilities [H. 5154, Act 208]
H. 5154 (Act 208) revises provisions setting the maximum civil penalty im-posed on gas utilities for regulatory violations to align them with federal law.
South Carolina Nexus for Advanced Resilient Energy [S. 912, Act 210]
S. 912 (Act 210) is a joint resolution expressing support for South Carolina as the nexus for advanced, resilient energy. The Act encourages continued global leadership to reduce the state’s environmental impact while enhanc-ing economic output.

Agriculture Environment and Natural Resources

H. 5246 Eastern Brown Pelican [H. 5246, Act 186]
H. 5246 (Act 186) designates the eastern brown pelican (Pelecanus occidental-is) as the official seabird of South Carolina. This legislative Act by the Gen-eral Assembly underscores the significance of this species and highlights South Carolina’s dedication to preserving its natural habitats and promoting wildlife conservation.
Extending Duck Hunting Season/Taking of Male Wild Turkey [S. 1051, Act 193]
S. 1051 (Act 193) creates a statewide turkey hunting season, which outlines that the season for hunting and taking of male wild turkey is April 10 through May 10 (no more game zones). The Act also reduces statewide resi-dents’ season bag limit from three to two. This provision takes effect in Janu-ary 2025 and expires in January 2030. After the law sunsets in 5 years, the provision reverts to the existing law of different seasons in game zones 1 and 2 versus game zones 3 and 4 and a limit of three turkeys per season. The Act extends the duck hunting season for five years, ending 2028-2029 on Lake Blalock. The Act also includes language dealing with recreational licenses for the use of set hooks in the Congaree River and the Upper Reach of the Santee River for residents sixty-five years of age or older. These provisions expire on January 1, 2030.
Working Agricultural Lands Preservation Act [H. 3951, Act 117]
H. 3951 (Act 117) establishes the Working Agricultural Lands Preservation Program and Fund to preserve farmland. The program offers landowners an alternative for protecting vital agricultural lands, crucial for the sustainabil-ity of South Carolina’s agricultural industry.
H. 4617 Xylazine [H. 4617, Act 177]
H. 4617 (Act 177) adds Xylazine, a legal tranquilizing drug used on large an-imals by veterinarians, to the list of Scheduled II Drugs. (Xylazine is being mixed with other illegal street drugs, placing users at a higher risk of fatal drug poisoning). As a result, adding Xylazine to the Scheduled II list allows law enforcement to respond accordingly.
Farm-Raised Venison [H. 3993, Act 118]
H. 3993 (Act 118) provides an exemption for the retail sale of white-tailed deer organ meat, packaged as pet treats, by official, certified establishments.
Landowners’ Privacy Regarding Endangered Plant or Animal Species [H. 4047, Act 119]
H. 4047 (Act 119) outlines that the Department of Natural Resources cannot release records of landowners’ addresses when the occurrence of a rare, threatened, endangered plant or animal species is located on such property.
Transportation of Farm Animals by Motor Vehicle [H. 4871, Act 148]
H. 4871 (Act 148) prohibits a person from interfering with or harassing a farm animal transported by a motor vehicle.
Perpetual Recreational Trail Easements [H. 3121, Act 125]
H. 3121 (Act 125) establishes an income tax credit for perpetual recreational trail easements. This Act provides for a one-time income tax credit for each square foot of property that a taxpayer encumbers with a perpetual recrea-tional trail easement and right-of-way.
Striped and Hybrid Bass Limits [H. 4387, Act 143]
H. 4387 (Act 143) relates to striped and hybrid bass limits on numerous lakes and rivers.
Taking of Feral Hogs by Helicopter [H. 4612, Act 144]
H. 4612 (Act 144) deals with the taking of feral hogs by helicopter. The Act outlines that the Department of Natural Resources may issue permits for the taking of feral hogs on private lands while airborne in a helicopter.
Deer Processors and Donated Tagged Female (Doe) Deer [H. 4875, Act 149]
H. 4875 (Act 149) allows deer processors to process tagged female (doe) deer donated by a hunter or crop depredation permittee and, in turn, recover the fee of processing the deer from a person other than the individual who do-nated the deer. The Act also increases penalties for selling deer or deer parts.
Permitted Hook Size in the Lower Saluda River Regarding Striped Bass [H. 5007, Act 154]
H. 5007 (Act 154) restricts permitted hook size in the Lower Saluda River (on specific dates) regarding striped bass.
Electronic Dog Control Device [H. 4611, Act 176]
H. 4611 (Act 176) makes it illegal to remove an electronic dog control device placed on a dog by its owner. A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor (the Act provides for penalties).

Law Enforcement and Public Safety

Illegal Immigration Enforcement Unit [H. 4120, Act 109]
H. 4120 (Act 109) places the separately-funded Illegal Immigration Enforce-ment Unit within SLED. The Act also outlines its duties and requires an MOA agreement with ICE.
Firefighter Cancer Health Care Benefit Plan [S. 728, Act 163]
S. 728 (Act 163) revises eligibility criteria for the Firefighter Cancer Health Care Ben-efit Plan to extend eligibility to employees of the State Fire Marshal and allow “bene-fits to a firefighter only if the firefighter has served in a South Carolina fire depart-ment for at least 5 continuous years and been in active service within 10 years of the diagnosis”(effectively allowing plan participation for non‑residents of South Caroli-na).
Ignition Interlock Devices for Temporary License Issuances [H. 3518, Act 130]
H. 3518 (Act 130) changes the 2023 Act, revising the issuance of temporary drivers’ licenses to include ignition interlock devices being installed for up to three months on motorists’ vehicles. These temporary licenses are availa-ble after their drivers’ licenses have been suspended for offenses, including driving under the influence or driving with an unlawful alcohol concentra-tion, allegedly committed.
Prohibition of Telecommunication Devices for Inmates [H. 4002, Act 137]
H. 4002 (Act 137) prohibits telecommunication devices for inmates. Absent preapproval by the Department of Corrections Director, no inmate can pos-sess any telecommunications device (including portable two-way pagers, handheld radios, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants, and laptop computers). Violators of the ban face increased penalties (more severe if used in the commission of a subsequent felony).

Judicial, Court and Legal Matters
Law and Civil Society

Antisemitism [H. 4042, Act 138]
H. 4042 (Act 138) codifies antisemitism as a listed discriminatory act. It in-corporates the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition and examples of antisemitism into the South Carolina Code of Laws. Anyone criti-cizing the country of Israel in the same manner as they criticize other coun-tries will not violate its prohibitions.
“South Carolina Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2024” [H. 3594, Act 111]
The South Carolina Constitutional Carry Act of 2023, H. 3594 (Act 111), is comprehensive legislation that, among other things, declares South Carolina citizens have a constitutional right to carry their firearms anywhere in South Carolina (except in specified locations, and except under certain conditions). Gunowners are also able to store their firearms anywhere within their motor vehicles. Anyone openly carrying their firearm in compliance with this pro-posed legislation does not give any law enforcement officer or official with arrest powers either a reasonable suspicion, or probable cause, to be searched, detained, or arrested for doing so. Violators still will face criminal charges with punishments based on the severity of their violations. Firearm owners have to report the loss or theft of their guns to an appropriate law enforcement agency within 10 days after discovering they are gone. Owners are encouraged to receive appropriate gun safety training before carrying their firearms. Concealed Weapon Permit holders have to report losing their permits within 48 hours.
Dismissing Qualifying Pending Illegal Firearm Possession Charges [S. 1166]
The Governor vetoed S. 1166 on May 21, 2024. The General Assembly’s re-sponse is pending.
S. 1166 holds that all charges pending against a person for unlawful posses-sion of a handgun, that were nullified by the enactment of the S.C. Constitu-tional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2024, will be dis-missed.
Only Citizens as Qualified Voters Referendum [S. 1126, Act pending]
S. 1126 (Act pending) calls for holding a ballot referendum on the question of amending Sec. 4, of art. II, of the South Carolina Constitution to read that only a (instead of ‘every’) qualified citizen can vote in elections in South Carolina.
Gender Reassignment Procedures [H. 4624, Act 203]
H. 4624 (Act 203) prohibits healthcare professionals from performing gender transition procedures on individuals under 18. This excludes mental health providers offering mental health services. “Gender transition procedures” include puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and gender reassign-ment surgeries. For treatments started before August 1, 2024, health care professionals can gradually reduce these treatments by January 31, 2025. However, medical services for minors with medically verifiable disorders of sexual development are still permitted.
No Obscene Material Website Access for Minors [H. 3424, Act 198]
H. 3424 (Act 198). Commercial entities hosting obscene material or content promoting child pornography or sexual exploitation must use reasonable age verification methods, such as digital ID cards, third-party verification ser-vices, or other commercial data methods. These companies could be held civilly liable if they fail to perform reasonable age verification methods.
Living Donor Protection Act [H. 3255, Act 126]
H. 3255 (Act 126), the Living Donor Protection Act, prohibits insurance com-panies from discriminating against living organ donors regarding coverage and policy conditions. This prohibition includes not being able to decline or limit coverage based solely on someone’s status as a living organ donor.


Reading [S. 418, Act 114]
S. 418 (Act 114) overhauls reading methodologies used in public schools. The Act defines key literacy concepts and mandates the State Department of Ed-ucation (SDE) to oversee compliance with Read to Succeed mandates, shift from “evidence-based” to “scientifically based” teaching methods, narrow the focus of Read to Succeed to prekindergarten through grade five, bans cur-ricula based on the three-cueing system for word recognition, and mandates foundational literacy, structured literacy, and science of reading coursework for teachers in early childhood, elementary, and special education.
Competency-Based Education (CBE) [H. 3295, Act 127]
H. 3295 (Act 127) allows the State Board of Education to waive certain laws and regulations for districts that successfully apply to operate schools using competency-based education. The legislation outlines core principles for Competency-Based Education, including explicit, measurable, and transfer-rable competencies, personalized and flexible pathways for students, and meaningful assessments. Competency-Based schools cannot be exempted from anti-discrimination laws or health, safety, civil rights, and disability rights requirements, and state and federal assessment requirements may not be waived.
Scholarship Stipends [S. 125 , Act 156]
S. 125 (Act 156) relates to additional LIFE scholarship stipends. The Act ex-tends the stipend to both education (including math and science majors) and accounting majors. Education majors receiving the stipend must, upon grad-uation, work in a South Carolina public school for one year for every year the stipend is received.
Definitions Regarding Institutions and Scholarships [S. 974, Act 191]
S. 974 (Act 191) relates to the definition of “public or independent institution” for purposes of the Palmetto Fellows, LIFE, and the Hope Scholarships to add institutions accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) to the definition.
 “Seizure Safe Schools Act” [H. 3309, Act 128]
H. 3309 (Act 128), the “Seizure Safe Schools Act,” outlines detailed proce-dures and requirements for schools to manage and support students with seizure disorders. School districts are required to adopt a “Seizure Action Plan” that addresses the basics regarding epilepsy and its impact on student learning.
Name, Image, or Likeness (NIL) [H. 4957, Act 207]
H. 4957 (Act 207) updates the rules on compensation for intercollegiate ath-letes’ name, image, or likeness (NIL). It allows college sports programs and agents to support NIL activities and protects post-secondary institutions and employees from liability related to athletes’ NIL earnings. The Act shields in-state schools from penalties for NIL Activities that breach association rules (such as those of the NCAA). The Act prohibits institutions from receiving fees from NIL deals. NIL agreements are exempt from public records re-quests unless the institution is a contracting party. Athlete agents must com-ply with the Uniform Athlete Agents Act of 2018 and related laws. The Act does not prevent common law claims by athletes of fraud or misrepresenta-tion. Athletes cannot earn compensation for endorsements of tobacco, alco-hol, illegal substances, banned athletic substances, or gambling, including sports betting. Family members cannot act as agents, and agents cannot re-ceive more than 20 percent of the NIL contract. Institutions may prohibit ath-lete compensation if it conflicts with institutional values.
Booster Clubs [S. 245, Act 112]
S. 245 (Act 112) outlines new laws for booster clubs and their financial offic-ers, banning those with felonies such as forgery, larceny, or embezzlement from serving in financial roles with the clubs.
Expulsion and Hearings [S. 1188, Act 194]
S. 1188 (Act 194) relates to the student expulsion process and related hear-ings. The Act amends requirements to be included in written notification to parents or legal guardians of the pupil.
Middle-Level Education Month [H. 4352, Act 110]
H. 4352 (Act 110) designates the month of March of each year as “Middle-Level Education Month.”


“South Carolina Telehealth and Telemedicine Modernization Act” [H. 4159, Act 120]
H. 4159 (Act 120), the “South Carolina Telehealth and Telemedicine Mod-ernization Act,” broadens telehealth access to all licensed practitioners, set-ting standards for telehealth care equivalent to in-person care, including for APRNs. It redefines “telehealth” to encompass various electronic and techno-logical means for healthcare delivery.
Telecommunicator CPR Training (T-CPR) [H. 4867, Act 179]
H. 4867 (Act 179) requires all 911 telecommunicators who provide dispatch for emergency medical conditions to be trained annually utilizing the most current nationally recognized high-quality telecommunicator cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation (T-CPR).
Professional Counseling Compact Act [S. 610, Act 189]
S. 610 (Act 189), the “Professional Counseling Compact Act,” authorizes South Carolina to enter into a compact to facilitate the interstate practice of licensed professional counselors to improve public access to professional counseling services.
Compounding Pharmacies [H. 3592, Act 132]
H. 3592 (Act 132) updates the “Pharmacy Practice Act” by removing certain definitions related to medication compounding and revising requirements for compounding pharmacies.
Suicide Prevention Training [S. 408, Act 158]
S. 408 (Act 158) requires suicide prevention training for social workers, therapists, and counselors.
Bloodborne Diseases [S. 455, Act 161]
S. 455 (Act 161) adds Hepatitis C to the list of bloodborne diseases and in-cludes dentists in the definition of health care professionals.
Tuberculosis Testing for Applicants in Nursing Homes [S. 558, Act 162]
S. 558 (Act 162) outlines procedures for tuberculosis testing of applicants or newly admitted residents for nursing homes or community residential care facilities.
Ambulance Fee Trust Fund [H. 4113, Act 139]
H. 4113 (Act 139) creates an ambulance assessment fee for private ambu-lance services charged by SC DHHS and deposited in a newly established Ambulance Fee Trust Fund (this funding can be augmented with federal matching dollars).
Medicaid Program Conformity [H. 5235, Act 184]
H. 5235 (Act 184), Medicaid Program conformity, revises provisions relating to insurers providing coverage to persons receiving Medicaid to comport with the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022.
Medicaid System Procurement [H. 5236, Act 185]
H. 5236 (Act 185) pertains to Medicaid System Procurement. The Depart-ment of Health and Human Services or a successor agency (for any mul-ti‑state solicitation it issues), is authorized to award contracts and procure Medicaid systems and services using competitively solicited NASPO Value-Point Master Cooperative Purchasing Agreements.
Mobile Optometry Units [H. 4333, Act 140]
H. 4333 (Act 140) allows mobile optometry units to operate during the summer when schools are not in session.
Acute Hospital Care at Home Programs/Service Exempted from CON Re-view [S. 858, Act 164]
S. 858 (Act 164) defines “acute hospital care at home” and exempts acute hospital care at home programs and services delivered by a licensed acute care hospital from the certificate of need review (with regulations). The Act also directs licensure considerations for home health agencies.
Voluntary Certification Program for Recovery Housing [S. 445, Act 160]
S. 445 (Act 160) establishes a voluntary certification program for recovery housing. The Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services will set protocols and guidance for credentialing entities to certify recovery hous-ing according to national quality standards like those of the National Alli-ance for Recovery Residences (NARR) or Oxford House.
Revised Certifications for Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) [H. 5183, Act 209]
H. 5183 (Act 209) revises the certification standards for Certified Medical Assistants to prevent the lapse of existing standards and to expand the number of approved certification programs. By including provisions for ex-isting CMAs and outlining additional responsibilities for unlicensed assistive personnel, the Act aims to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the CMA profession.

Children and Family Issues

“Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act” [H. 3220, Act 195]
H. 3220 (Act 195) was developed by the national Uniform Law Commission. It sets out comprehensive criteria for determining a credible threat to a child’s safety or likelihood of abduction in either child custody or visitation situations.
Genetic Counselors [S. 241, Act 187]
S. 241 (Act 187) seeks to protect the public through the regulation of profes-sionals who educate and communicate with the public regarding genetic disorders by creating the Board of Genetic Counselors to license genetic counselors and further provides for the regulation of genetic counselors un-der the administration of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR).

Transportation and Vehicles

The Display of License Plates on Motor Vehicles [H. 4674, Act 178]
H. 4674 (Act 178) addresses laws for fastening and displaying license plates, including temporary plates on large commercial vehicles. It also encom-passes H. 5024, allowing the retention of plates for the surviving spouse of a National Guard member, and introduces several special license plates: the “Hearing Impaired,” the “South Carolina Equine Industry,” the “Cherokee Indian Nation,” the “Catawba Nation,” the “University of South Carolina 2017, 2022, and 2024 Women’s Basketball National Champions,” the “Autistic and Neurodivergent,” the “South Carolina Association for Pupil Transporta-tion,” and the “Navy and Marine Corps Medal” (for valorous awards).
Photograph for Parking Placards [H. 4819, Act 147]
H. 4819 (Act 147) allows applicants (mostly children) for accessible parking placards to provide a photograph for the placard subject to the Department of Motor Vehicle’s approval.
Towing a Truck with a Fifth Wheel Assembly [H. 3355, Act 129]
H. 3355 (Act 129) provides that a towing truck with a fifth-wheel assembly may tow one additional vehicle (it sets a maximum length and weight for the final trailing vehicle, among other rules).
Blood Type on Applications for Driver’s Licenses [S. 968, Act 167]
S. 968 (Act 167) allow an applicant for a driver’s license to voluntarily dis-close his blood type on a driver’s license or a beginner’s permit.
Emergency Scene Management [H. 4436, Act 174]
H. 4436 (Act 174) seeks to protect emergency scene operations, mandating that drivers maintain control of their vehicles in emergencies, including scenes with stopped vehicles, adding that drivers do not obstruct emergency vehicle operations nor operators of authorized emergency vehicles. (Opera-tors of authorized emergency vehicles [such as tow truck operators] are per-sonnel tasked with assisting emergency services personnel). To expand edu-cation about slower traveling zones on the highway, the General Assembly passed the Work Zone Safety Program Course (H. 5023, 182).
Work Zone Safety Program Course [H. 5023, Act 182]
H. 5023 (Act 182) establishes the work zone safety program within the De-partment of Motor Vehicles. The DMV requires all persons obtaining an ini-tial driver’s license and who are required to complete a driver’s education course to take the work zone safety program course.
Preventing the Escape of Loose Material and Debris [H. 4601, Act 202]
H. 4601 (Act 202) amends current law to prevent the escape of materials loaded on vehicles. Effectively, no person shall operate any vehicle on a highway with an unsecured load or covering that could become loose, de-tached, or hazardous to other highway users. Additionally, it does not re-strict the transportation of certain agricultural products.
Watercraft Motor Restrictions [S. 1005, Act 168]
S. 1005 (Act 168) governs motor and other enumerated restrictions on Lake Bowen regarding horsepower, towing, type and place and hours of opera-tion.
Beginner’s Permits [H. 4673, Act 146]
H. 4673 (Act 146) amends the law regarding beginner’s permits, hours and conditions of vehicle operation, renewal and fees, driver’s training courses, and eligibility for full licensure; also, providing that persons at least 18 years old may take the driving test after maintaining a beginner’s permit for at least 30 days.


Property Tax Exemption For Disabled Veterans [H. 3116, Act 116]
H. 3116 (Act 116) revises the property tax exemption process for disabled veterans, allowing them to immediately claim a full-year exemption in the year their disability occurs, among other details.
Unclaimed Veterans Remains [H. 4376, Act 142]
H. 4376 (Act 142) requires coroners, as well as funeral home directors, in possession of unclaimed human remains identified and determined to be unclaimed veteran remains, be released to a funeral home for an appropriate burial in a national cemetery.
Veterans’ Trust Fund [H. 4928, Act 151]
H. 4928 (Act 151) pertains to the Veterans’ Trust Fund that assists public and private veteran programs throughout the state with only voluntary tax dona-tions. Currently, the fund does not have fundraising as an activity to raise monies to add to the fund. As a result, the Act adds fundraising as an activi-ty.
State Veterans’ Cemeteries [H. 4953, Act 153]
H. 4953 (Act 153) removes the residency requirement to qualify for a plot in a state veterans’ cemetery for an honorably discharged veteran.


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