By now, you’ve seen many projects in the works in and around our community.

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Bill Burn
Bill Burn
February 6, 2022 8:18 pm

Is hey 76 ever going to be widened to 5 lane like lake Murray Blvd ,the dam, Lexington? Just wondering because it pretty much ducks with traffic now. And even worse if the interstate construction closes a land of two

Lyn Richards
Lyn Richards
Reply to  Bill Burn
February 6, 2022 9:33 pm

This section of 76 is controlled by Richland County. They have postponed and scaled back plans for widening 76. The current plan call for only widening 76 to include a central turn lane. So it will be a 3 lane road.
Richland County Council is accountable to no one, corrupt and incompetent. Richland County Council had their control of the penny sales tax forfeited to the SC Department of Revenue for failing to use that road improvement tax to actually improve roads. RCC then used taxpayer dollars to sue the Dept of Revenue to get control of the money back in their hands. Their suit was successful, and since that date RCC has “de-scoped” the plan to widen 76 to 4 lanes. Nathan is aware of this, but as I said, RCC is accountable to no one and can do exactly as they please.

Charles Elfert
Charles Elfert
February 6, 2022 8:32 pm

Thanks for all you do. Charles Elfert

Lyn Richards
Lyn Richards
February 6, 2022 9:35 pm

Nathan, why are they not adding Interstate exits to either Koon Road or Shady Grove Road? They have the opportunity to do so now at a much lower cost and an exit is needed at one of these overpasses.

Carol Matney
Carol Matney
February 7, 2022 8:36 am

What is the current projected completion date for the I-26 widening around the Irmo, Chapin, Newberry area?

Randall Perrill
Randall Perrill
February 7, 2022 9:03 am

There needs to be a change to the Broad River Road/West Shady Grove Road intersection. Cars pile up at this intersection as they wait to pull onto Broad River Road and also while they are behind some car needing to turn left onto West Shady Grove Road. This would be a huge timesaver and add significantly to traffic safety.

Albert R. Godown
Albert R. Godown
February 7, 2022 1:27 pm

So, my understanding on the widening of Broad River Rd. from Royal Towers Rd. to Ballentine is going to be once again a band aid on a gash that requires stitches. It seems that the council once again has little “forethought” on the rate of growth in our area. Sure, a turning lane may assist in the traffic jam that occurs from 4pm to 6pm, but the overall congestion will not be appeased with this simple fix. Would Lake Murray Blvd. have been improved with a turning lane? The number of new subdivisions that are being constructed which utilize Broad River Rd. can’t possibly be recognized with a simple turning lane. Anyone turning right causes a similar delay which the five lanes would have eliminated.
The original plans which called for a five-lane road, copying that of Lake Murray Blvd., was recommended for the long-term solution by the engineers drawing the plans. As usual our representatives are not looking at the “future” development of the commercial and residential impact along Broad River Rd.
This proposal will only exacerbate the problem that will have to be remedied in time.
Our area is growing too quickly for a quick fix to the problem.