Chapin High School student council advisor receives state and national honors

IRMO – Roger Mize, at Chapin High School, has been selected as the 2020 South Carolina Association of Student Council (SCASC) Advisor of the Year and was named a finalist for the 2020 Warren E. Shull High School Student Council Adviser of the Year Award, sponsored by National Student Council (NatStuCo) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).

“I have worked with some great councils over the years and believe that everything I have accomplished as an advisor has been because of them,” Mize said. “I am truly grateful for the group at Chapin and the inspiration and encouragement they have given me.”

Mize was one of eight finalists for the national award. Finalists receive free registration to the National Student Council Conference in June where they will be formally recognized on stage. Mize has been to several regional and national conferences and met some incredible advisors.

“The finalists for the Warren E. Shull Award are skilled educators who epitomize the commitment student council advisers make to promote leadership, service, and civic engagement as qualities of good citizens through student council,” said Nara Lee, director of NASSP Student Leadership. “National Student Council congratulates Roger Mize for his exemplary efforts to nurture and develop these qualities in high school student leaders.”

Mr. Mize has been one of the advisors for the Chapin High School Student Government for 6 years, previously serving as an advisor at Laurens District 55 High School and Student Activities Director at Richland Northeast High School. He has been an advisor and member of South Carolina Association of Student Councils (SCASC) for a total of seventeen years, currently serving as Assistant Executive Director for SCASC.

To read more, visit District 5 website


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