Former SC Governor, US Senator Ernest F. “Fritz” Hollings Dies at 97

From the Office of the Governor

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Former South Carolina Governor and United States Senator Fritz Hollings will lie in state at the South Carolina State House on Monday, April 15, from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM. The viewing will be open to the public throughout the day and all who are able are encouraged to visit the State House to pay their respects to Senator Hollings and his family.

Logistical information:

• Beginning at 10:00 AM, an honor guard consisting of members of the S.C. Highway Patrol and the S.C. National Guard will escort Senator Hollings’ casket to the second floor lobby of the State House via the outdoor steps on the south side of the State House. (Note: designated press areas will be clearly identified on the ground floor outside of the State House)

• Beginning at 10:30 AM, those wishing to pay their respects may enter the State House through the public entrance on the north side and proceed to the second floor where Senator Hollings’ casket will be placed. (Note: members of the media will be permitted to access the third floor of the State House. SCETV will provide pool coverage from 9:45 AM – 11:00 AM, which can be accessed through a mult box on site or via satellite.)

• The event will also be streamed live at

• The State House will close to the public at 5:00 PM, at which time the honor guard will escort the casket down the south steps to the hearse.


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