2011 Coaches Pitch Champions: Muckdogs.

After a cold day of evaluations, I’m even more impressed by the volunteers, coaches and parents that keep Irmo Little League running!

Even before JC and Emma started playing t-ball a few years ago, I knew first hand this league and Friarsgate Park was a great asset for our community. It truly is a first-class run organization year-round.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting the league at some level this year!


From irmolittleleague@gmail.com

Irmo Little League family:

** If you have multiple players in the league, you may receive this e-mail multiple times **

As many of you know, the batting cages at Friarsgate Park are being rebuilt. This new structure will be bigger and better than the old unit. There will be three full length batting cages, under a roof with lighting. The completion date is not finalized yet, but we are hopefully to have them ready in time for practices this season.

There are many other efforts that we are looking at doing this year to help improve the park, our facilities and equipment. Many of these projects are made possible by our sponsorship program. Some examples of things done last year were update/improvements to the climate of the concession stand, purchase of a machine to drag the fields, flag poles, softball pitching machine and more.

We are in the middle of our sponsorship program and hope to wrap it up in the next few weeks. We are asking for your help in getting additional sponsors. If you own your own business, we ask you to consider a sponsorship. For the rest of you, we ask that you talk to your employer about supporting your children and our community with a sponsorship. I contacted my employer this year, and they were more than willing to provide a sponsorship. One final opportunity is to participate in our individual program, called Friends of Irmo Little League. This is an opportunity for families to sponsor our league.

This year we will not only be recognizing all of our sponsors, but for all new corporate sponsors that you bring to us this year, you and/or your team will be rewarded also. Simply ask the person sponsoring to include your name so that we know to reward you. For all Friends of Irmo Little League sponsorships, we will be rewarding you also. Please see the details below and have any interested sponsor contact us at irmolittleleague@gmail.com.

Thank you for helping us in this very important campaign.

Brian Weseman, ILL President

Jeff Rivers, Sponsorship Manager

Corporate Sponsorships

Team Sponsorship ($300) – The companies name will be placed on the back of the team jerseys. Additionally, their logo and a link to their website will be on our website. These need to be in by February 20, 2012. Your reward: Your team will receive two snack tickets per player for the concession stand. That saves you from buying snacks for your team for two games.

Field Sponsorship ($500) – A banner will be placed on the outfield fence of one of our fields. Additionally, their logo and a link to their website will be on our website. Your reward: You will receive a gift certificate for $50 to our concession stand.

Dugout Sponsorship ($750) – A banner will be placed on the outside of one of the dugouts. Additionally, their logo and a link to their website will be on our website. Your reward: You will receive a free registration for one player in the fall 2012 season.

Individual Sponsorship

Friends of Irmo Little League – For a $100 tax-deductible donation to Irmo Little League your family will be recognized as a friend of ILL. You will also receive an ILL merchandise package containing two ILL car magnets, two koozies and two bleacher cushions. Simply send these to us and mark the check as Friends of ILL.

PO Box 1371, Irmo, SC 29063


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