Shireese Bell/Irmo Patch

More than 200 people cheered after motion passed to award bid for project

The bid for the renovation and expansion of Chapin High School was approved Monday night with a vote of 6-1, but not without opposition from those questioning the school’s student capacity.

At the board’s regular meeting Monday night at Chapin Elementary School, board member Beth Hutchison-Watson made a motion authorizing the district administration “to enter into a contract with the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for an amount not to exceed $45,940,500, in response to the district’s invitation to bid advertised Sept. 18 for the renovation and expansion of Chapin High School. The district administration is authorized to execute the contract at such time as there is no legal impediment to doing so.”

The motion was seconded by board member Jan Hammond. The only board member to vote against the motion was Kim Murphy. All board members were in attendance.

The bid has been awarded to China Construction America of South Carolina.

The base bid is $43,400,000 with four alternates ranging from $101,500 to $1,080,000, for mechanical changes and duct board replacement to an alternate plan for the administration area.

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