Tuesday, April 29, starts a busy week in the SC House of Representatives. Basically it’s “do or die” week for House Bills to pass our chamber if they want to have a chance at becoming law this session.
Our calendar is 47 pages and has 27 House Bills on the Statewide Uncontested portion and 13 House Bills on the Statewide Contested portion. This is a signifcant amount of legislation to consider in one week’s time.
Not to mention the impending debate on Senate Amendments on the “Election Reform Act of 2010” and a possible consideration of the Governor’s Veto on “Warrantless Searches” .
Other bills-of-interest this week are “ Teacher Salary Increases “, Fire Sprinklers in residential homes , Charter Schools , Driver’s License Suspension for Dropouts , Raffle/Lottery Bills and two “skeleton Budget bills”.
If you’re so inclined to see the action, it should run most the day Tuesday and Wednesday here on SC ETV . SCETV usually records all the action except, for some reason or another, they don’t have coverage of the budget debate whereby the House voted not to approve the entire Proviso section of the budget (only to be overturned within the hour).