I’m with ya’, Coach! It’s frustrating sometimes .
A year ago, you’d have been hard pressed to hear the word “transparency” come out of an elected official’s mouth in our state. Back then, you could count on one hand those leaders pushing for more transparency with voting-on-the-record and also with opening the books on finances at state and local levels . Fortunately a few brave souls got “on record” quickly while many still wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.
Nathan’s News readers know a lot has happened in the past year regarding transparency; but apparently the American Footbal Coaches Association wasn’t paying attention and wants no part of it.
While some of us push for more accountability and sunshine in politics, this “good ole boy club” of football coaches apparently favors hiding some of the most important votes made by its members.
From Today’s State (Joseph Person)
College football coaches who vote in the USA Today coaches poll will be able to keep their final regular-season ballots secret beginning in 2010, although Steve Spurrier made no secret about what he thinks of the change….”That was surprising. I thought we would stay public with that last vote…I think we ought to stay public. It keeps everybody pretty honest.”
Kentucky’s Rich Brooks, a former voter, appreciated the transparency and believes the changes are a move in the wrong direction. “I just think people should be accountable for what they do”
Granted, I care more about whether my Gamecocks will finally beat Vanderbilt and Clemson this year than I do how the Head Ball Coach votes; but at least it’s good to see he gets it. As do most our state’s voters.
While the House and Senate passed “rule changes” in their respective bodies this year, there’s still the bill sitting in committee waiting to become a LAW.
Just like Spurrier isn’t satisfied with 7 or 8 win seasons, SC voters shouldn’t be satisfied with rule-changes over laws. Some of us in the chamber will keep pushing for more open votes and we’ll need your help to get us to the goal.
Maybe ‘next year’ will be the year for transparency to finally become state law and maybe my Gamecocks will take out the Commodores and Tigers, too. We can hope, right?