Like millions across our country (and the world), I was glued to the TV yesterday soaking in this historic moment, the inauguration of our 44th President, Barack Obama.

While I did not vote for him for President, I am more than willing to give him a fair chance to lead our country. A fair shot that too many others never gave President Bush during his terms in office, I might add.

Between all the coverage of the swearing-in, the luncheons, the parade, the meetings, and the inaugural balls, I heard something that just about ruined it all for me. (Not that I’ve ever dreamed of being President but, had I ever done so, the dream would have been shattered for me yesterday).

Apparently, being President means you gotta give up your Blackberry?

How dare they?! Call me crazy, I know. Given the choice of being President or keeping a phone, how could someone really even think twice, right? Well apparently our President wants to keep his – and I can’t blame him.

I’m sure I’m not the only one attached (or rather addicted), am I? I wouldn’t want to give it up either. Granted, he will have staff keep up with his meetings, contacts and other things but how can he “catch up” with his friends? Seriously?

I give him credit for wanting to stay in touch with “real people”. If we’ve learned anything this election season, it’s that more people can get involved in the political process if they actually know more about it. Usual channels only touch the usual folks. President Obama was successful in using “other channels” like Facebook , Twitter , Email, YouTube, and more. Channels usually overlooked by officials. In doing this, he was able to get his message out to more people as well as energize and mobilize more people to get more involved in the political process.

This “Blackberry Conflict” may have already been settled by now, but as far as I’m concerned, you give up so much in public service that the least you should be able to do is keep your personal phone to stay in touch with friends and family…and maybe even catch a score or two from a ballgame.

While we’re talking about technology and “new media”, how about the SC Senate Republican Caucus releasing their agenda today via YouTube? And of course, there’s also a handful of ( SC elected officials ) using Twitter to provide live-updates from the House/Senate floor (as well as their personal lives, if folks care).

In this day and age, folks have more access than ever to the political process and I’m glad to see our President, and several SC officials, communicating more and more with the voters.

UPDATED: seems POTUS gets to still use Blackberry. Thanks to GarnetSpy for sharing that link.


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