You just never know what interesting item you’re going to find when you journey around our wonderful community! Today, I found English Trifle!
Thanks to the Milford Park Homeowners Association, I was able to attend their Fall Festival and try a dish I’ve never eaten. (Note to self, last two photos on website are me eating. Maybe Karen’s right about my weight gain?)
I met many residents and enjoyed my afternoon. Especially when Julie Brain (originally from Wales) offered me a bite of English Trifle. Julie moved here 10 months ago with her husband’s job transfer and I picked up on her “non-Palmetto State” accent right away. It was good to learn more about her and her friend, Darlynne Ferguson, who also just moved her (11 months ago) from Orlando, Florida to be close to her family.
Julie tells me she gets her ingredients from an “English Store” located on Whaley Street. The ingredients? Strawberries, Jello, “sponges”, Custard, Cool Whip, and more Strawberries on top. Julie tells me to be sure the jello and sponges sit overnight before adding the rest of the toppings.
The result – pretty dang good!