So I was looking through my stepdaughter’s homework and papers tonight and found TIME for Kids.

Sarah’s in fifth grade (Dutch Fork Elementary) and the magazine is written for 4th-6th graders so I figured I could manage a quick read before bedtime.

I came across this interesting article: Time To Learn, Should kids go to school eight hours a day?

Interesting idea. Expensive? Probably. Would it help us here in South Carolina? Maybe. It couldn’t hurt, could it?

The cynic in me thinks this might just be throwing more money at “the problem”. Also, we don’t want to turn schools into “daycares” until moms/dads get off work. I even wonder if our teachers (who historically are used to getting out before 5pm) would even support something like this?

Who knows? I’m just tired of seeing SC at the bottom of almost every ranking in our country – especially education.

For the past several weeks, my Education and Public Works K-12 Subcommittee has been hearing testimony and debate on changing our PACT tests to something more beneficial. I’m also sure the House will again debate expanding school-choice options (public and private) for our children and their families. Probably most importantly, I’m hopeful next session that we’ll work to improve our Education Funding (method/formula) in hopes that South Carolina truly can “Leave No Child Behind.”

Your thoughts? I’d love to hear them.


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