The one question I get asked the most is “How do you do it?”

Most people understand that this job is very time consuming and because it only pays a $10,400 salary, they ask me how I can give it so much attention and still be a husband, father, and also still make a living at Wachovia (where I am paid straight commission. No salary. Anyone need help with buying a home?)

Well, it’s tough. I won’t lie. But it’s something I love doing even though it’s much more work than I ever imagined.

For example, here’s my “political schedule” last week. Most week’s are pretty similar and remember this is a week when we are NOT in session. (Session is from January through June).

Monday (Sep 24) – Supported fellow colleague, Rep. Ted Pitts, by attending his fundraiser in Lexington at 5:30. (Oh, it was Sarah’s birthday at 6:30 and my in-laws were in town for dinner)

Tuesday (Sep 25) – Filmed my newest video clip in the morning and that afternoon attended a Palmetto Leadership Council event in Greenville. Was good to see constituents there, too!

Wednesday (Sep 26) – After work, attended Ribbon Cutting ceremony for new business to Chapin Chamber of Commerce: Chef’s Choice at 2130A Dutch Fork Road.

Thursday (Sep 27) – Second Annual Irmo Community Prayer Breakfast in the morning at St. Andrews Presbyterian. That evening I spoke at the Irmo High School student government induction ceremony.

Friday (Sep 28) – Participated in “Valet Day” at Dutch Fork High School in the morning as part of their “Alive @ 25” program. In the evening, fried okra with the Lake Murray/Irmo Women’s Club at the Okra Strut.

Saturday (Sep 29) – Okra Strut parade in the morning with over 50 students from Dutch Fork High School.

What’s this week ahead like? Since I’ll be on vacation this Thursday through Sunday, it’s a little slower. Only two events are on the calendar: one for EdVenture and one where I’m participating in Walk To School Day for Leaphart Elementary.

Even though it’s hectic, it’s my job and I always want to you write and let me know if you’d like me to speak, visit, or attend one of your organization/church/neighborhood meetings!

Thanks for giving me the privilege of representing our community in Columbia!